Wednesday, February 27, 2013

Sister Hudson: Week 1

Oh boy, where do I begin!!!???! I only have 26 minutes left to write you so I think I'm going to send you a handwritten letter also. I wrote you one from my first day here, but I didn't send it until yesterday so you should be getting it soon. I just want to tell you all that I love you so much!!! I haven't felt homesick at all because I know that I am where I am supposed to be, but I just want to make sure that each of you know how much I love and appreciate you! I think I told you that there were 16 people in my district in the letter I sent you from the first day, but I recounted after I wrote it and realized there are only 12 of us. There are four sisters and eight elders. We have become so close and we have so much fun together! President Colyer (from our branch presidency) said we were the most jovial district he had worked with. I am the oldest person by FOUR YEARS!!! Hahaha, they all give me a hard time about my age! Even though we have a lot of fun, we still have the most incredible spiritual experiences together! The teachers here are so incredibly amazing! I know that not all districts are as lucky as ours, but man oh man, I have been so incredibly blessed!! My companion, Sister Banks, is absolutely incredible. She is so sweet and has a strong testimony. We learn so much from each other every day and I know this companionship was inspired. One of the greatest things I've been able to witness is the growth of the missionaries in my district. There are two 18 year olds, six 19 year olds, three 20 year olds, and me. There is one elder in particular, Elder Luebke (pronounced Lube-key), who is SO SO SO shy. When we introduced ourselves on the first day I just wanted to tell him that the message he is sharing is wonderful and he just needs to open his mouth and share it!! I knew this experience would change his life completely and I felt so excited for him. Anyway, his companion, Elder Hutchinson, is perfect for him. He is always so uplifting and supportive!! Whenever Elder Luebke makes a good comment or anything, Elder Hutchinson will reach over to give him a "pound." Haha, It's so great. Anyway, it was like I witnessed a miracle yesterday when I saw how much he has grown in just a few days! I still cannot believe I haven't been here a week yet! I feel like I've been here for AT LEAST one month!

Just to let you know, I am not planning on calling when I go to the airport on MONDAY the fifth!!! (I know, it's crazy that I'm going to North Carolina after being in the MTC for only 12 days!!) If you would like me to call, please send me a "Dear Elder" letter and let me know because I will get that letter today. If you email me and let me know you want me to call, I won't get the email until after I'm in North Carolina. To my sisters: You can send me a Dear Elder letter instead of emailing, because I will get it sooner and I will have time to write you back.
Okay, I can't even scratch the surface if I tried to tell you everything I've learned, but I will try to tell you a few things. Here in the Missionary Training Center, I feel like the main thing we are learning is to love everyone! Sister Banks and I have been teaching two different investigators and we have felt so much love for these people!! We are working so hard to say the right things and to say them in the right way so that they can feel the love that our Heavenly Father has for them. It is so hard to forget about the things I want to say and to just let the Holy Ghost guide me to say the right things. I know the Gospel of Jesus Christ is true! I love it! I know the Book of Mormon is the word of God! I love my Savior, Jesus Christ, and I am so grateful for all He has done for me. I love you all and of course I miss you! 

Love, Sister Hudson